Tecumseh Brokers
13039 Tecumseh Rd. E, Tecumseh ON N8H 3A2
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Chris Pistagnesi
Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Location: 13039 Tecumseh Rd E
Tecumseh, Ontario N8H 3T4
Email: cpistagnesi@will-insurance.com
Phone: (519) 979-3700 ext. 2211
Well, where do I start…..I guess, when my aspirations of being a legendary guitar player in a heavy metal band died at the very young age of 26, I was mentored into the insurance business by my father who had a successful career as a Co-operators Insurance Agency owner. I was lucky to learn everything he could teach me about the industry from his 20+ years of experience. Following in his footsteps, and fulfilling his dream of retiring young, I acquired the agency from him in 2006. I learned a lot in those 12 years at Co-operators, but sought bigger opportunities to learn and grow within the industry. I knew I had many years left in me and did not feel like I would be able to grow further where I was.
In 2013, I made a risky move by leaving everything I had built behind and jumping on board as a broker with Will Insurance. Will Insurance helped me develop my skills and expand the nature of business I could specialize in. While my passion and drive are working with complicated commercial insurance situations, I enjoy all aspects of helping people solve their problems and protect their assets. I can also help develop life insurance solutions for individuals and businesses, group benefits and of course, protect homes and automobiles.
I take continuing education seriously. I think it is important to be a continuous learner; make the brain work (or struggle in my case). I have completed my Canadian Accredited Insurance Broker (CAIB) designation and am currently working on completing my Chartered Insurance Professional designation (CIP).
My most important role is being a father. I spend any time I can with my kids. They get badgered by me all the time to go for walk, a drive, a coffee, or just lounge on the patio in the back yard with me. Sometimes they humor me (or feel bad for me) and agree.
I love to run, HIIT train and cycle. I enjoy brewing craft beer and if you don’t like IPA’s I’m not sure we can still be friends. In the little spare time I have, you will find me lounging in the pool, with the hair metal cranked to 11 & a fine craft-brew in hand.